SaaS Boss Podcast
Actionable advice for SaaS Founders
26 – How SaaS can capture, share, and cash in on customer success stories, with Joel Klettke
On this episode of the podcast, I interview Joel Klettke about case studies. Joel is the founder of Case Study Buddy, a team of case studies specialists who help companies capture, share and cash in on customer success stories He is a sought after conversion copywriter for SaaS and B2B companies where he has helped …
25 – When to Stop Coding Yourself and How to Manage Remote Developers, with Victor Purolnik
In this episode of SaaS Boss show I interview Victor Purolnik, a developer and entrepreneur who’s been in remote product development for almost a decade. Victor Purolnik is a developer and entrepreneur who’s been in remote product development for almost a decade. Since 2015, he’s using his vast knowledge about working with Eastern European developers …
24 – How to Stop Churn and Get Forever Customers, with Austin Ford
In this episode of SaaS Boss show I interview Austin Ford about How to Stop Churn and Get Forever Customers using challenge funnels. In this episode we discuss: -How to get customers to pay for your “Free” Trial -How to create a powerful “Aha” experience for new customers to understand the full benefit of your …
23 – How Your Onboarding Affects Retention and How You Can Improve It, with Emilia Korczynska
Emilia Korcynska is a marketing manager at User Pilot, the onboarding tool for SaaS businesses. She is also the head of growth at Postfity which is a social media scheduling tool that allows you to save time on social media. Show Notes [1.48] – Emilia talks about how she started working in SaaS She was …
22 – How to Use Cold Email Outreach to Predictably Fill Your Pipeline With Sales Meetings, With Morgan Williams
In this episode of SaaS Boss show I interview Morgan Williams where he shares with us his process to doing cold email outreach effectively that gets people to respond and increase SaaS sales. The things we discuss: -A 3-step process for building a winning cold outreach campaign -Two things you can do to immediately improve …
21 – 10 Secrets to Designing the Ultimate SaaS Website Homepage, with David Katic
In this episode of SaaS Boss show I interview David Katic about secrets to designing best converting SaaS website. The 10 secreats we discuss are: -Articulate your perfect customer-Gathering customer data-Segment and filter-Authority and expertise-Social proof-Scarcity (not the cheesy one)-Story-Processes-Great offer-Follow key design principles Resources – Connect with Natalie on Facebook – Join SaaS Boss Facebook …
20 – Churn Due to COVID-19 and Quick Idea How To Help With Subscription Cancellations, with Natalie Luneva
In this episode of SaaS Boss show I share a quick idea how you can keep customers who are affected by Coronavirus and want to cancel their subscription and instead keep them as your customers. Cancelling Subscriptions These days – solo Natalie: [00:00:00] hi everyone. I wanted to quickly Pop up here and share …
19 – Scaling a SaaS Company to 1M ARR, with Lloyd Yip
Lloyd Yip is a sales and marketing advisor to SaaS companies. He specializes in helping early stage bootstrap companies with product market fit and building systematic and predictable growth engines which allows them to scale cost-effectively and quickly. He has appeared previously in Episode 16 of the podcast where he talked about getting your first …
18 – Demo vs Free Trial: Which is better for your SaaS Company, with Tory Smith
In this episode of SaaS Boss show I interview Tory Smith and we talk about pros and cons of demo vs trial Things we discuss: When choosing betwen trial or demo, lots of things to consider: price, complexity, stage. What should we consider when deciding whether offer a trial or a demo? 70% of …
17 – Seth Godin Answers My Question About Management vs Leadership
Seth Godin is an entrepreneur, best-selling author and speaker. He has written 19 best-selling books including classics such as The Dip, Linchpin and Tribes. He has also inspired numerous people around the world via his talks on marketing and effective leadership. A few weeks ago, I attended a workshop by Seth Godin in which he …
16 – Attaining Product/Market Fit & Getting First Sales Using LinkedIn Outreach, with Lloyd Yip
In this episode of SaaS Boss show I interview Lloyd Yip. Lloyd is a sales and marketing advisor to SaaS companies. In this episode we discuss actionable steps to getting your first sales. Many founders are reluctant doing cold outreach, and so you wait until you build your product to start getting feedback from potential …
15 – Building a Sellable SaaS Business and SaaS Valuations, with Thomas Smale
In this episode of SaaS Boss show I interview Thomas Smale of FE International. Thomas shares his advice on what it takes to have a successful exit when you want to leave your business. However, before going down that road, much thought and planning should go into getting an accurate valuation so that you can …

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