Natalie Luneva’s SaaS Blog
Results-focused insights and advice for helping SaaS founders grow fast
Internet challenges: 20+ tested and proven examples from SaaS companies
As a growth coach and strategic advisor for SaaS founders, I get hundreds of requests from founders to launch internet challenges/hackathons for their users. While the interest in this growth tactic is increasing, there was…
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Viral challenge: An underutilized growth tactic for your SaaS company
From the marketing perspective, a challenge is an activity that takes a fixed time to complete and takes a user from point A to point B. As a SaaS company, you might think using this…
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How and why to use podcast marketing? 7 SaaS companies advise
Hosting your own branded podcast comes with many benefits, including: Positioning yourself as a thought leader and building your personal brand Starting relations with guests – experts, potential customers, partners Reaching your guest’s network and…
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SaaS Companies That Organized Online Summits/Events: Key Takeaways
Video marketing has developed into event marketing and now encompasses a much broader scope of content formats. From live Q&As to webinars and multi-day virtual summits, you can get as creative with your video format…
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How 13 SaaS Companies Use Community Marketing to Grow
In my guest post on CustomerThink I talked about the benefits of community building and how it helps SaaS companies get a few steps ahead of their competition. To get more practical, I recently interviewed…
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Lowering your SaaS Churn Rate: The Ultimate List of Tips and Suggestions
Existing customer renewal is a high priority for 59% of SaaS companies and a medium priority for 27%. To compare, for 89% of them acquiring new users is a high priority (source). This obsession with…
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10 Books of 2020 – Recommendations by Natalie Luneva
Apparently I’ve consumed more than 100 books in 2020. Wasn’t my goal. Didn’t try hard to. It just happened. This is almost twice as many as last year. I previously shared my top 10 business…
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Virtual Summits: Why and how to host a virtual summit in 2021 for your SaaS
Virtual summits are one of the most unsaturated methods to rapidly generate leads in 2021. Just hosting 1 virtual summit event can rapidly propel your brand to the big leagues with great new partnerships, new…
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7 Deadly SaaS Copywriting Sins Killing Your Conversions + How to Fix Them ? with Helen Peatfield
3 Tricks to Close More Deals in 2020 ?
Matt Wolach is the creator of The Perfect D.E.A.L. Process – an innovative system that makes it easy to close deals without having decades of sales experience and knowledge. People are concerned with getting traffic,…
9 SaaS Sales Accelerators That Every B2B Startup Needs to Build a Scalable Sales Process
Scott Sambucci is the Founder & CEO at SalesQualia, a sales coaching company that helps B2B Startups to grow sales faster. He is a sales coach, author and keynote speaker. He’s formerly the Head of…
How to Create a SaaS Dashboard That Drives Growth [Expert’s insights]
For one of my recent LIVE Q&A sessions with SaaS experts, I invited Peter Loving, the founder of UserActive, to talk about SaaS product improvements that drive growth. Peter is passionate about helping SaaS companies…
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SaaS Go-to-Market Strategy Modeling – The Science of Growth [2020]
On the recent bi-weekly mastermind call with SaaS experts and mentors I interviewed Ryan Cahill about the go-to-market strategy. Ryan is passionate about helping SaaS companies design, optimize and execute their sales and marketing strategies.…
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Must Track SaaS Metrics to Grow Your Software Startup in 2020
I run weekly mastermind calls for bootstrapped SaaS founders and one of such calls I invited Ben Murray, aka SaaS CFO to share more info about SaaS Metrics. Ben shared top 20 relevant metrics that every founder…
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6 communities for your SaaS
I asked Anna Grigoryan, the writer behind the Engineering Growth newsletter to share 7 communities that will give your SaaS product a boost. These communities will help you during the product development and launch stages and…
I consumed 54 books in 2019: here are the Top 10 I’d highly recommend
In 2019 I consumed a lot of books – more than one per week in fact. I keep track of every book I read and would like to read in Goodreads (highly recommended to anyone),…
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Who should you hire first
Tech founders: who should you hire first? You had an idea, then founded a company. Maybe you’re still flying solo (that’s one employee down), or had a cofounder, or a mentor—in every case, the day…
Why you should write down your company values
Why you should write down company values As a tech founder, for at least a while you were the extent of your company. Maybe you still are. It follows that your company’s values reflect your…
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Why Meetings Suck
Why meetings suck – plus 5 easy steps to rock them It’s the meeting that drones on and on. What a waste of your time—not to mention everyone else’s. How many hours are lost, collectively?…
You’re the best boss
The worst thing a tech founder can hear from employees… “You’re the best boss I’ve ever had.” Oh, the pain! So many things go through your head. There’s the inevitable flattery. You like your team.…

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